Saturday, June 18, 2011

Email Security Threat to Your Business 1

Email is Technically insecure and was not originally designed for what companies are using it for; confidential business conversations. It is logically insecure for use in confidential conversations because it cannot be controlled. The SCIE system was engineered for one purpose only confidential text based conversations. For more information please visit:

SCIE,the Secure Client Information Exchange, is a Real Time communication platform. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate secure email systems such as the blackberry bes, or other providers such as proofpoint. As corporate secure email is insecure for confidential communications SCIE was engineered for only this purpose.

Quanta Consulting is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system. For further information on the SCIE system visit:

Quanta offers business and high net-worth individuals 30 day SCIE cells in order for them to determine if SCIE fits their needs.