Saturday, June 18, 2011

SCIE Servers are in Switzerland 8

The Secure Client Information Exchange, SCIE system, servers are based in Switzerland Switzerland has strict corporate and data protection privacy laws. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate email systems such as research in motion's Blackberry email or other systems such as proofpoint secure email. SCIE is for one purpose and one purpose only; to keep confidential conversations confidential. Quanta Consulting Ltd is a worldwide distributor of the SCIE system and offers companies and high net-worth individuals a 30 day SCIE cell license for them to evaluate SCIE and determine if the secure client information exchange fits their needs.

For more information about SCIE visit the Quanta website at: and download the Quanta SCIE PDF.

SCIE is secure on three points, technically, logically and is 100% anonymous in use. SCIE is not a replacement for corporate E-mail, it is another tool for business. SCIE was engineered for one purpose only; confidential conversations that must remail confidential. This discussion also covers the security flaw of research in motion's Blackberry and fat, or rich, client secure email systems. Quanta is a worldwide distributor of SCIE. For more information on the Secure Client Information Exchange, SCIE, download the Quanta SCIE PDF, from the Quanta Consulting website at:

Quanta Consulting Ltd offers 30 day SCIE cells for business and high net-worth individuals in order to determine if the secure client information exchange fits their needs.